Just a sketch.  Haven’t had a lot of time to do anything other than getting ready to leave for Italy.  Listing things for sale and studying Italian.  That is pretty much it.  I am going to start a drawing per day pretty soon to ease myself back into drawing.

Trust that you know

I am now on passive wave lesson #62 of Assimil and active wave #12 and have just now overcome a major hurdle. When speaking to a person that is speaking English as a second language I always seem to ask the same question, “do you translate in your head from English into your mother tongue?”…

On Motivation and Talent

I have always maintained that excepting fools, men did not differ much in intellect, only in zeal and hard work. -Charles Darwin  I don’t believe in talent.  Well, perhaps I do, but not the everyday ordinary talent that we all hear about.  I don’t believe someone is born to be good at particular thing.  No…

We Are All Crazy

In our own minds we are the only sane ones in this world.  As you reach out to people that are more and more different from yourself you begin to think they are crazier and crazier.  But have you ever thought about the reverse? I had a discussion with a man the other day that…