Building People on Paper

Each drawing is 30 cm tall and all done in life drawing class.  Kind of boring to look at but they are to learn about proportions.  We spend a lot of time focusing on angles and measuring… it can be quite frustrating but I think I am getting better! Click to make HUGE!

Pictures and Drawings

Florence in the spring. My favorite spot. My room. Waiting at the police station to get my Permesso di Soggiorno. Mike.  (hope you don’t mind buddy) Liv drawn left handed. (hope you don’t mind either friend!)

Quick Crap Sketches

A bunch of crap quick sketches.  Like I said earlier, when I get done with class the last thing I want to do is focus on being accurate with my drawings.  I think the accuracy will come naturally later… these are to stay loose. Two things:  I do not have a super bike from the…

1st Bargue Drawing Finished

I finished my first Bargue drawing today (mine is far right in case it isn’t obvious).  Unfortunately you can’t see much of the subtle detail but these are really for learning and not so much viewing so it doesn’t really matter. Just to reiterate in case you are wondering why the hell I am just…

Starting to See

A week and a few days in I already feel like I am starting to see things differently.  The exercises that we do in class really train your eye to see very subtle changes in angels and values.  I love how I can actually feel myself improving… can’t say enough about how excellent this school…

Lovin’ Life

School started Monday.  One of the best decisions of my life to come here. I never thought it would happen but after 28 years in this world I feel I have finally found my place.  I have already learned so much in the 2 days I have been in class.  I would not want to…

New Bike!!

Whelp.  Finally found a bike.  Just need to mention a few things. First, riding a bike in Florence must be one of the most terrifying experiences of my life (I think it will be better once I figure out where to ride).  Second, my lock cost almost as much as the bike itself.  And lastly,…


Nothing too exciting.  These are all drawn by looking at photos.  I can’t wait to have some live models! Oh also, non-related to the drawing (annoying I can’t post normally without this being a “caption”… maybe I just don’t know what the hell I am doing…), I am going to buy a guitar today!  Woot!…

Rhythm in Life

There is rhythm in movement of the sea and tides, stars and planets, trees and grasses, clouds and thistledown. It is part of all animal and plant life. It is the movement of uttered words, expressed in their accented and unaccented syllables, and in the grouping and pauses of speech. Both poetry and music are…